Selasa, 29 Mei 2012

Efficacy of Roses

Rose as a food or beverage that has been initiated medicinal since World War II in England because of the content of vitamin C in rose high enough. According to one source, roses (rosa geliga) efficacious in cough remedies and acne. The trick, three rosebud fresh brewed with a glass of water panasm, when drunk to cure coughs.Another source revealed that the physicians in China use the rose as the drug munyak "Yin" which serves to calm the nerves, blood circulation, relieve congestion of the heart, strengthen the muscles of the abdominal wall, and the capillary blood vessels healthy. Indians exploit darii herb stew of wild rose buds to drink tea as a healer of diseases such as gonorrhea.Oil rose as natural essential oils nutritious treat fitness, relaxation effect, eliminates the tension of mind or depression, with effect atrodisidak. Essential oils are known to have the intensity, which is able to enter and carry nutrients throughout the wall and the cell nucleus. Treatment with essential oils is known as aromatherapy.Indonesian society has come to know and apply aromatherapy in daily life and rituals. Almost everyone knows telon ointment such as petroleum oil, bees, anise oil and rubbing balm. Ordering a volatile oil that goes through the skin into blood vessels, blood flow can be. The use of flowers and incense in a temple in Bali provides a calm atmosphere so that the prayer is easier to concentrate in meditation. Flower bath before marriage by the bride and groom is the application of aromatherapy.
Spa (sanity per Aqua) in recent years started to be a trend for the Indonesian people, especially the upper middle class. Merpakan spa treatment techniques and body treatments using water as a mediator or known as hydrotherapy (water therapy). Blending natural essential oils with water to soak the body to give effect remedy, soothe, and relax so that blood flow to be smooth and body refreshed.

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