Rabu, 04 April 2012

Kenaikan Harga BBM Hanya Solusi Sesaat

Ratusan mahasiswa yang berunjuk rasa menolak kenaikan harga bahan bakar minyak di Jalan Medan Merdeka Timur, Jakarta berakhir rusuh, Selasa (27/3/2012). Kerusuhan yang berlangsung lebih dari dua jam tersebut bermula saat mahasiswa mencoba masuk ke Istana Merdeka yang sudah dihalangi barikade petugas kepolisian. Unjuk rasa berakhir setelah pasukan kepolisian mengepung Jalan Medan Merdeka dari dua arah dan massa berlarian menuju Jalan Pejambon.
Oleh Ninuk M Pambudy dan Orin basuki
Hari ini Rapat Paripurna DPR akan memutuskan menerima atau menolak RUU APBN Perubahan 2012 yang intinya menurunkan besar subsidi bahan bakar minyak. Pada saat yang sama, ribuan buruh berencana berdemonstrasi di depan Gedung DPR.
Kemungkinan besar rapat paripurna menyetujui keinginan pemerintah. Persetujuan DPR itu akan berdampak naiknya harga eceran BBM bersubsidi, hal yang ditolak masyarakat melalui aksi demo di berbagai kota sepekan terakhir ini.
Di DPR, Fraksi PDI-P menolak keinginan pemerintah menurunkan subsidi BBM dan LPG menjadi Rp 137,4 triliun. Fraksi Gerindra dan Fraksi Hanura walk out, meninggalkan rapat kerja pembahasan RUU APBN Perubahan 2012 antara Badan Anggaran DPR dengan Menteri Keuangan dan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) di Gedung DPR, Senin (26/3/2012) sore.
Setiap kali pemerintah berencana mengurangi subsidi BBM, setiap kali penolakan masyarakat terjadi di berbagai kota. Padahal, harga BBM di Indonesia hampir pasti akan selalu dipengaruhi gejolak harga minyak dunia karena negeri ini telah menjadi importir minyak akibat kebutuhan lebih tinggi dari produksi.
Dalam 10 tahun terakhir, Indonesia sudah mengalami tiga kali kenaikan mencolok harga minyak mentah dunia. Kondisi tersebut mendesak pemerintah menaikkan harga BBM, yakni pada tahun 2005 dan tahun 2008.
Pada 1 April 2012, pemerintah akan menaikkan lagi harga BBM bersubsidi dengan alasan sama, yakni mengamankan anggaran pendapatan dan belanja negara. Tanpa menaikkan harga BBM, besar subsidi dapat mencapai Rp 191 triliun.

My opinion
I think this decision too quickly, without regard to local effects. Rising fuel actually does not matter, as long as its domino effect can be muted. Of the total population of Indonesia there skitar 240juta 80jutaan motor vehicle which enjoys fuel subsidies, so the rest of Indonesia 160juta people who do not have a vehicle that enjoys fuel subsidies ga interchangeable. Not to mention the custom of Indonesia who like roads and less effective, so do not reflect the will of the people who love their country. Malem each full week of retail outlets in urban that cuman queue using that motor cars traveling around the town for just a walk, get something to eat or even dating. Mending using that fuel subsidies for public infrastructure benerin, jalan2, schools, hospitals, etc., and the focus of government control to live a domino effect due to rising fuel, food prices at least stable, is not able tuh using that fuel subsidies also create price controls on food, agriculture and production meningkatin marine, if any, from the beginning of 2012 the government announced it would raise fuel prices, of the area will prepare its budget early and solutions to curb the increase, although the price would also rise first. Not just the region, the company also, so the company will take into account the company's income statement at the beginning of the year and consider the possibility of employee salary increases. Not to mention the solution to the BLT, looks very hasty. Not to mention the attitude of the media by providing information that exaggerated. Certainly make people more scared. Raising fuel prices is not the right solution as long as fuel prices linked to oil prices. the price of fuel will be kept up. Now who can guarantee the price of oil is not going to touch USD 200/barel. So fuel prices will definitely be increased. So should the government pay attention to the medium before making a decision to seek other alternatives such as reducing use of fuel by forcing the group to be able to buy fuel is not subsidized.

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