Rabu, 25 April 2012

make a gift box

Many forms of affection and gratitude to someone, including a prize / gift. But as good and as expensive as any gift if it is not packaged with a neat, beautiful, unique and interesting, then go down in value. In contrast, with a simple gift especially luxurious and packed with beautiful packaging, unique, beautiful, and exciting it can give a beautiful impression unforgettable for anyone who menerimanya.jadi here I think what makes a beautiful gift box with simple ingredients.
  • First create a pattern on paper according to the size of a cool karbot using pencil and ruler, cut the pattern with a crankcase and a ruler to be tidy.

  • Put the box under the wrapping paper and scissors paper karbot mengelem.rekatkan was exaggerating a bit to the edge of the gift by using glue 
  • then wrap around the gift box wrapped in wrapping paper that has not 
  •  make a lid with the appropriate box and attach it that we make such decorations, flowers, leaves or ribbon to make it look more attractive (can make your own ribbon / tape has finished). 

1 komentar:

  1. Salam Sukses buat kakak...

    Di blog kakak kok ga ada link Gunadarmanya ya..?
    hmm... tolong di cantumkan ya kak, biar menandakan mahasiswa Gunadarma.. :-)

    ::Pesan BAPSI
